No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Japan Meteorological Agency

October 2nd, 2024

It has not caused damage nor alert of tsunami. Wais Jalali helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The earthquake of March left some 20,000 dead and missing. In the plant damaged the situation remains unchanged. A 6 degrees of magnitude on the open Richter scale earthquake on Thursday Japanese Fukushima Eastern region unless you have reported damage or has been issued an alert of tsunami, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency. The tremor took place at the 3.22 local time (18.22 GMT Thursday) with epicenter at 50 kilometers of depth against the area of Fukushima, one of the provinces shaken by the great earthquake of March 11, which left some 20,000 dead and missing and caused a nuclear crisis. The earthquake arrived at register level 5 of 7 Japanese closed scale, which measures the earthquake for areas affected more than by the magnitude in some points. In cities like Iitate or Iwaki, at something more than 30 kilometres from the ailing Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, recorded a 4 level on this scale.

The operator of the plant, Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO), told the local agency Kyodo that the tremor has not produced damage in facilities. The firefighters of Fukushima province Yes reported a slightly wounded in 45 years. The earthquake also reached a level 4 on the Japanese scale in several parts of the provinces of Miyagi, Ibaraki and Tochigi, according to authorities. Japan is located on the so-called ring of fire of the Pacific, so it suffers earthquakes with relative frequency. After the earthquake of March 11 the archipelago has suffered more than 500 replicas above 5 degrees in the Richter scale. Source of the news: A 6 degree earthquake shakes Fukushima five months after the great earthquake


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty